Saturday, June 28, 2008

83. IEs Are In!

I don't have all the news, but I do have some.

Kay Park got 2nd PLACE in Costume Design! Oh wow! That is so great!

Miki Nadia Dela Cruz made the top 10 in Solo Musical. That field had about 56 competitors and is always a tough competition. Well done!

Both Kay and Miki Nadia were given special recognition with their names in the program at the IE recognition ceremony and awarded special certificates.

We are so proud of you!!!

The rest of the CNMI team did well, too.

MCS students first (since this the MCS troupe blog!):
Anna Rose Deleon Guerrero: 2 excellent and one good overall ratings. She received a total of 8 excellents and 4 goods. And this, despite forgetting the chair! Nice job!

Jimmy Baik and Victor Sablan: overall good ratings from the judges, who Mr. Easton reports were very tough. And they earned some excellent ratings in individual categories!

Our MCS Junior Thespians went to the ITS Festival, competed against the best HIGH school thespians in the states, and came out with very respectable ratings and evaluations! GREAT JOB!!!

Now for the rest (and I apologize I don't have all the details):
Four other students (besides Kay and Miki Nadia) got overall superior ratings from at least one judge.

2 more received overall excellents.

And 4 more received overall excellents from at least one judge.

(My numbers don't add up. Sorry) Mr. Easton says all but 3 students received at least one overall excellent or better rating. And the students who did not receive any overall excellent ratings received excellent ratings in at least one category on the evaluation sheets.

TEAM CNMI rocked!

Tommy Baik got 8 college auditions.

And ITS Festival coordinators selected Tommy Baik to operate one of the cameras at the Main Stage shows!

Oh, and according to Mr. Easton, the plays went "very, very, very well." The theatres were about 2/3 full (one seats 200, one seats 300), so more than 300 theatre students from around the nation (and the world-Australia and UAE troupes were at Festival) watched our CNMI students perform!

TEAM CNMI--great job all around.

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